Saturday, 12 March 2016

Captured by Hostile Bikers! Zombie Scenario Battle Report

In this scenario, two game controlled groups of post apocalyptic bikers have captured one of our group. Our two squads will have to take on their two squads. 

The two players (me and Cliff) roll a 6 every time we enter a building to see if the second squad has the female hostage in that building. The first squad is visible parked on their bikes on the street clearing zombies. We are to try and sneakily investigate the board. Since this is late in the apocalypse we decided to have "light zombie spawning" in this scenario. 

The 4 bikers clear zombies as we enter the board in the Wal Mart parking lot behind the helicopter. 

The other squad and hostage are not in the Wal Mart. 

All of the zombie clearing being done by the bikers has attracted all the zombies on the table and spawned more zombies. Though there are less zombies on the board the bikers are surrounded so leave the area. 

My squad opens fire on the first group of bikers killing two of the 4. Over the next couple of turns the second group of bikers also starts shooting at me from out of the warehouse. I kill another biker on the steet and one in the warehouse but two of my characters are seriously wounded, and one is lightly wounded. The last biker in the street attempts to join the bikers in the warehouse but is feasted upon by zombies. Luckily I draw a "keys in the nearest car" card so get ready to leave the area in the tow truck. Cliff sneaks up on the chaos with his fresh squad and enters the warehouse through the back door. 

Cliff wins the initiative roll after climbing the stairs and shoots the last 3 bikers. One of his survivors is wounded in return. We roll to see if our wounded survived the encounter and they all did.  

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