There are a number of existing zombie and post apocalyptic rule sets. I will list them here. I have the rules for about half of these, the others I have read reviews or watched gameplay videos. They all sound great in their own way.
My Rules
Dead Wars!; My rules differ from other rules in that I want to have dozens or hundreds of zombies (80 to 200 are typical for us). Also, I am not an RPG guy, so have very few RPG elements. My game focusses on large numbers of weak dumb zombies vs several or many survivors. It balances the number of zombies because the number of zombies is directly related to the number of survivors. It is a simple system in which zombies spawn with cards each player draws each turn or from noise. Surprise events and game controlled groups can also appear. There is loot in buildings and cars. Zombies move with movement priority, automatically and simply. Characters have 4 action points each turn for each character. Melee and shooting is also simple. Groups move based on their highest initiative plus a D6, with the possibility of interrupting groups trying to shoot at you.
Zombie RPG and Table Top Rules
Project Z; Warlord Games
-skirmish style zombie games from Warlord Games. The rules are out for free. Players compete in a skirmish setting for loot markers. Out next month.
The Walking Dead: All Out War by Mantic Games
-looks like a small scale skirmish game with Walking Dead characters. Out Soon.
All Things Zombie by Two Hour Wargames
-This seems to be the most popular current set of rules. It has three books, which have a lot of RPG elements and includes scenarios. It is the most well developed current rule set. To be honest though, I found the shooting and combat very complicated. It does have a lot of good points though.
Skirmish Outbreak: Skirmish Wargames Rules for the Zombie Apocalypse
-Another well developed set of rules in rule book form or PDF. It is very RPG, with stats and abilities for characters. It is small in scale and focuses a lot on line of sight for zombies to see the characters.
Dead Meat: Quarantine Zone America
-2 players form squads and battle it out.
-Around 20 zombies with several survivors each.
Total AR:SE; Akula's Rules: Skirmish Edition
-A two page, simple but popular free skirmish rule set.
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
-A small scale RPG set at a university.
-Looks pretty well developed but specific.
Bio Syndrome RPG Modern
-A new set of rules. It seems to focus on infected Resident Evil types. This one looks small and skirmish sized as well.
Dead Walk Again; Zombie Action Shooter
-Zombies vs Swat skirmish game.
-A homemade set of rules for a specific purpose.
Ambush Z
-15mm zombie rules. Covers infected and dead type. Units have a shooting and defence value. These look the most similar to my rules though I have individuals shoot and melee. The most "wargame" type rule set.
Dead Reign
-I don't know much about this one. Reviews say it's very RPG like with supernatural elements.
Outbreak Undead
-An RPG game where you make an avatar of yourself and see if you survive.
-There are mixed reviews of this one.
Combat Zone
-A subset of the Combat Zone Rules. Includes combat rules for buildings.
Board Games
Last Night on Earth
A fantastic movie style board game.
A video game style zombie game. I've never played it, but it looks great.
Map tiles generate randomly. Good game.
Xtreme Zombie Hunter
-Like "Running Man" with zombies.